a case of you: the music of joni mitchell
Written by Deborah Brennan
Created by cabaret songbird and storyteller Deborah Brennan, A Case of You is a love letter paying homage to one of the most inspiring singer songwriters of the Woodstock era. Brennan connects the musical dots from Mitchell's formidable body of work which echoed the zeitgeist of the turbulent 70s and has crafted them into a memorable soundtrack of her own life wrapped in a contemporary story of free-spirited travel, love and loss. Come on down to the Mermaid Cafe... we'll laugh and toast to lighter times and nostalgia.
A Case of You:The Music of Joni Mitchell, The Gov - 2021 Adelaide Fringe Festival
"Beautiful to watch and beautiful to listen to"
★★★★ The Clothesline
"Brennan's personal engagement with the music is the fuel that powers the show and lights it up"
★★★★ The Edinburgh Reporter
"A gem of a show, beautiful and hauntingly simple - just like Mitchell herself"
★★★ 1/2 The Australia Times